Saturday, 9 May 2015

Rant/Review: Experience with StarTrack's BS

Hey guys! 
Been awhile since our last post. So much crap going on with Uni and Erica also got a new job!!! Congrats brah!!! :D So yeah we haven't been able to plan much recently. 
However, this past week my packages finally came. So happy it arrived safety, considering the incident that happened with StarTrack recently...
This is going to be a long ass rant with some raging/*** so I'm just going to warn you now, read when you have enough time.
 Pretty much they lost my package and didn't bother to contact me or give about my situation. I called pretty much had to call everyday to remind them that they needed to track down my lost package. What even. So I literally called them every business day (5 days) until they could get in contact with the ****est driver who lied about delivering to my house. Every time I called up they would say we will have the investigator call you back before the end of the day. They never ever called me.I had to ring them up every day to get updates, it was frikken ridiculous. I can't even. 
So apparently, on the tracking it said it was delivered at 9:15am, BS. My mum and me were at home the whole day and not even once did we hear the gate open or anyone ring the door bell. I checked outside our door every frikken 10 minutes to check if it had come. No nothing.

So I spent the next 5 days of my life, being worried, checking around my house in case they somehow shoved it somewhere random, walking up and down my street and finally calling up StarTrack. 
To be honest, If they were able to get through to the driver on the day it was lost I probably would have received it but no, pretty sure there was hardly effort on their side and to make things worse the driver was a totally liar and tbh didn't give a tots about his work. Everyday I called up the assistants would tell me that they'll leave a note to the investigator that I called and told me she still couldn't get through to the driver (wtf honestly). So yeah, the investigator was finally able to contact 'the driver' that 'delivered it to my house' 5 days later and then told me what the driver said. "He told me he drove passed your house yesterday and remembered delivering it and left it behind the pillar in front of your door". ... What the f. Then I asked her why didn't he ring the door bell? nor did I hear anyone open the gate cause my dog always barks when someone comes into our house. She couldn't answer me and just said thats what the driver said, all you can do now is speak to the sender about your situation now. WTF. What kind of BS is this. If I was lying, I wouldn't be wasting how many hours of my life - every frikken day calling anyway. Unbelievable. At the time I was so upset and just accepted to speak to my sender but the day after I couldn't forget about it and wanted some answers.
So smart of me to call back again, I spoke to the investigator again and asked her the same questions and that I really wanted to get to the bottom of this cause I want my package. If he delivered it somewhere else I would go there to find it. She then goes to say we are already at the bottom of this, we solved the case already. The driver said he delivered it. If you still have further problems go talk to your sender.

There were times I wanted to rage so bad because all they did was refer me to the investigator that was never in her bloody office and did * all and some of the assistants clearly weren't bothered to deal with me. I know how it feels like to be on the other side dealing with angry customers and its never fun. I honestly I wish I did rage at that BS but I didn't. So I gave up and spoke to my sender about it and they provided me with the best possible solution and were very sincere about it.

Here is the one thing I'm most annoyed with.
He knows my address now and name. fml. The guy is a liar and clearly doesn't even care about his work one bit, he could totally try something because I complained about him for a job he stuffed up. Great.

So that's that. My hate for StarTrack went up 10 fold and I will never use them again unless I have to as a lot of companies in Australia use StarTrack for their shipping ==;.

Also, pretty sure it was DHL ... not sure but my brother also had his package delivered to the wrong house before however luckily he was able to speak to the driver directly a few hours after and was able to find the house the driver left it at, think it was left at a house on the next street.

Hope you found this helpful and I will post some shots of what I got this week in my next post.

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Till then :)


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-Ash & Eri